Saturday, January 16, 2010

nullcon Hacking Challenge

I hope you had a relaxing start for this weekend because if you are reading this mail now the rest of whatever is left of it is going to be pretty busy (for that matter, your next week too). We thought it will be a good idea to get people worm-up before the nullcon, so here is your chance to Win a free pass with two days paid stay for nullcon. All you have to do is run over few trivial puzzles and challenges and the ticket is yours. In case you have already bought the ticket don't worry we'll reimburse your ticket if you win.

Hacking Challenge:

If you have spent anytime with puzzles like notpron or klueless, or other hacking challenges, this one should lie somewhere in between. ( We thought if you gonna pull your hair out solving the puzzle, its only fair that you learn something while doing so.)

Ok, here you should pay more attention:
1. Each level gives you sets of clues to reach to the next level. Following these clues you should figure your way to the next level. Once you have reached the final level you'll know how to claim the booty.
2. Hints will be provided for each level through twitter or null mailing list. More details will be available shortly.
3. This challenge does NOT give participants any legal permission to exploit or its hosting partner in a destructive manner . Any attack against the site or the hosted servers will be observed under general legal framework.

1. Armed with your favorite hacking and debugging tools is advisable. (It will be a good idea to take the new Matriux or BT4 for a ride.)

Good Luck and Have fun :)

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